What is ‘Legal Tech Asia’?
‘Legal Tech Asia’ is everything legal – other than the laws! Yes, you read it right, we are focused on the future of the legal sector. With a vision of energising a movement of legal innovation, entrepreneurship and technology, we bring to you opportunities of sharing your stories, interests and research with the stakeholders of the legal field and grow together – be it innovators, investors, mentors, business houses, lawyers and law firms, judges and even the governments.
So, if you’re interested in this sector, we’ve got you covered – with all the latest happenings, trends, future predictions and much more.
The future starts today, not tomorrow!
Pope John Paul II
Who are we?
We’re a team of enthusiasts who are constantly hustling to ensure that you can stay well ahead of the happenings in the legal ecosystem. Being a team of chartered accountants and lawyers by education, we bond over a common ideology of leading the transformational wave that is taking over the law profession and help you embrace it with preparedness. If there is anything you would like us to talk about, or you’d want to share with the community, feel free to reach out to us at any time by writing to us at [email protected] – we are accessible 24*7!
There is no greater weapon that knowledge and no greater source of knowledge than the written word.
Malala Yousafzai